Saturday, July 05, 2008

On happiness and weekdays

I've long been telling myself that happiness shouldn't wait for weekends.
But waiting for Friday night to suddenly feel elated and get myself to feel excited for yet another day seems to be a weekend thing. Or at least getting out of bed without feeling like the sheets are holding me down is.

But this week was special.

No special occasion. But I've been out on dinners with friends, meeting up with special people almost every other night. I have nothing profound to say. I know no other witty way of saying this. But the wonderful learning for this week is: weekdays...better put: work-weeks can be happy.

I am blogging this to remind myself of this feeling when pitch season comes :) I am happy. I will remember this feeling even when I don't feel like it, and the universe will lead me to this blog post when my soul needs to recharge.

Tomorrow is a saturday. But I will have to come to Makati to work. But not even the rains nor the back-to-back fgd sessions can dampen my mood. I am happy.

Reiki thoughts from eca:
Just for today I will trust.

Bo Sanchez's prayer: (one of the many probably :)
Lord let me be a blessing to others.

Connect? I can't be a happy friend, if I'm not happy. Basic yun e, you can't give what you don't have. So I make a conscious effort to keep my happy reserves on high.

I came back to my table at the sight of 4 happy dvd's from Lilit. (that plus 2 others Mark gave me this morning!) I hate watching movies with sad endings (not that I hate them, at some point they are cathartic. But I'd rather get enlightenment with a laugh than with a heavy heart). Not only because there are far too many things to be sad about already (need I go past page1 of the newspaper?) and I believe that watching movies should at least remove one from reality and offer comfort in the thought that if that happy ending happened in reel life, then maybe it could translate to real life--in one way or another. (well, the writer ought to have had some happy event in his/her life to have based beautiful moments on right? nobody could ever be so da** creative as to make something so happy up without having had even a bit of joy in his/her life. )

...I digress...I don't like sad movies because...well to be more positive, I just like happy movies more. Because I'd like to remind myself constantly that life is happy.

It's like research. It's easier to make a decision with complete (or as near to complete) information. Choosing to be happy becomes a lot easier when I fill my head with fun things. Things that make me believe in the goodness of people over and over again. Happy stuff that make me believe that crappy things happen for a reason; that the best things in life are those that we already have; that life shouldn't be hard work; that purpose can bring the fun back to work; that love lives; that peace is possible; that all things panget come to pass; that God believes in us. That family and friends eraserheads songs--you'll never forget their words, you will always have fun hearing them, you can sing all you want, misstep and miss the right tune and not be judged, and no matter how long the time may have passed between you, they will always bring you joy.

Happy movies. Happy life.

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